Dental 3D imaging involves taking a scan of your teeth and gums, which is then rendered into a digital model.  This model can be used to fabricate crowns, retainers, and other appliances accurately, without the need for messy, gaggy impressions!

The scanner also helps us compare changes over time, especially in the areas of gum recession and tooth wear.  Small changes over time can be identified much earlier than by mere visual examination, resulting in more conservative and less expensive treatment.

Image Placeholder — Tonganoxie, KS — Tonganoxie Dental
Image Placeholder — Tonganoxie, KS — Tonganoxie Dental

Are you curious to know how a 3D Dental Scan could change your life? Are you ready to get a more accurate assessment of your dental health than ever before? Ask your dentist about 3D scans and what they can do for you. To schedule your 3D Diagnostic Scan, contact us today! Your dental health is our top priority, and that’s why appointments like these are so important.

Call us today to book your next appointment!

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